3.87/5 on Goodreads
ISBN 9781886411838
Published in 2004
280 pages


There is no product on the planet that enjoys the devotion of a Macintosh computer. Famously dedicated to their machines, many Mac fans eat, sleep, and breathe Macintosh. The Cult of Mac is the first book about Macintosh culture, arguably the largest distinct subculture in computing.

Written by Wired News managing editor Leander Kahney, The Cult of Mac is an in-depth look at Mac users and their unique, creative, and often very funny culture. Like fans of a football team or a rock group, Macintosh fans have their own customs, with clearly defined obsessions, rites and passages. From people who get Mac tattoos and haircuts, to those who furnish their apartments with empty Mac boxes, this book details Mac fandom in all of its forms.